Friday 10 February 2012

Day 6 Araluen to Bermagui

Day 6 started wet as usual. It wasn't raining but it looked as though it could start at any moment. I had a quick brekky and started to pack up. I have setting and packing up camp down to a fine art now, probably takes me about 15 minutes.
I still had about 35 km of dirt to travel down Araluen road to Moruya and had a bit of fun along the way. From Moruya i headed south oin the Princes Highway and followed a couple of the tourist routes into the national park along the way. Some of them turned out to be great riding and in some beautiful bush that is a lot different to what i'm used to seeing. Spotted gums and large Cycads and some nice rainforest atop Mount Dromedary.
Spotted gums grow right to the waters edge at Wagonga inlet

After a bit of sightseeing i dropped back down to sea level and had a look at some of the beaches North of Bermagui. Camel Rock was interesting.

Camel rock

I then ventured into Bermagui and got some fish and chips from a place right on the marina. There's a squillion dollars worth of game fishing boats moored here, a lot of Marlin and massive Tuna are caught offshore from here.
The rain had been threatening all day and finally it unleashed, I suited up and headed to the tourist info place to find out about camping and get some food. The lady pointed me in the direction of a campsite  called Arraguna in the Mimosa Rocks national park about 20 km out of Bermagui.

Just south of Mimosa Rocks

 I set up in the rain but managed to keep mostly dry. The contents of my tankbag are soaked (because of the lost raincover) and my route chart is ruined but other than that everything is surviving ok.

Very friendly locals here.I'm no Macropod expert so i don't know what this guy is exactly but he was plenty friendly and there is also a few bandicoots and some other little marsupial scurrying about the place.

Anyway, I'm going to have an easy day tommorrow.  Do some sightseeing around the coast, down to Tathra, maybe go fishing and take some photos.


  1. Hi Andy! Those spotted gums are magnificent! Your pics are great considering the dull conditions. Well done.. Gladys, Western Australia...
